WARNING: This website contains artistic and expressive content. This is not a safe and sensitive environment for the perpetually offended.

DoomsDaisy Home

This page is dedicated to

Daisy Patrol

Daisy Patrol is a small circle of individuals who have supported DoomsDaisy, and as a token of appreciation, were inducted into Daisy Patrol, with some being parodied into DoomsDaisy comic art. To become a member is to elevate one's status, gaining the envy of friends who sing ballads of praise at the foot of shrines built in their honor... Okay, well, maybe not all that, but they'll always have Pontius Paiva's undying appreciation.

Daisy Patrol Models:






Darthvegan Demo (Mac)
Howler_Monkey Demo (PC)
Michael Carius Famished
Your Mama Demo (Web), Famished
Piney Demo (PC)
Tekton Famished
Zulfan Demo (PC, web), Famished

Voice contributors for YouTube videos:

KittenChomp Trailer 002 "The Monologue" Narrator
Lady Kate various miscellaneous
Sararose Willey various miscellaneous